Yesterday marked a milestone in my family: my baby girl turned 13. Now, my home is filled only with teenagers. As I reflect on this transition, I’m filled with memories of their younger years, especially the times we spent homeschooling. One of our favorite tools for learning to read was the Elephant and Piggie series by Mo Willems. These books were more than just educational tools; they were sources of joy, laughter, and bonding.

A Journey with Elephant and Piggie

When my three youngest children were learning to read, the Elephant and Piggie books became an integral part of our curriculum. The delightful stories of Elephant and Piggie not only made reading fun but also instilled a love for books that continues to this day. Each book in the series was a stepping stone towards a larger goal: reading any Elephant and Piggie book without mistakes to earn the privilege of exploring our entire library.

This goal was a thrilling challenge for my children. Perhaps it was because they always saw me with a book in hand, immersed in the worlds within. My love for reading was contagious, and the excitement was further fueled by our fantastic team of librarians. They had a unique way of presenting books that made them seem like treasures waiting to be discovered. The anticipation of unlocking these treasures kept my children motivated and eager to read.

Why Elephant and Piggie?

The Elephant and Piggie series stands out for its simplicity, humor, and heartfelt lessons. Mo Willems’ clever storytelling and charming illustrations create an engaging experience for young readers. The repetitive language and relatable scenarios make it easy for children to follow along and build confidence in their reading skills.

One of the most memorable aspects of the series is the dynamic between Elephant and Piggie. Their friendship, characterized by loyalty, support, and the occasional misunderstanding, mirrors real-life relationships. Through their adventures, my children learned valuable lessons about empathy, problem-solving, and the importance of communication.

Reflecting on the Past, Looking to the Future

As my children grow older and more independent, I cherish these memories of our reading sessions with Elephant and Piggie. These books were not just about learning to read; they were about spending quality time together, sharing laughs, and creating a foundation for a lifelong love of reading.

Now, as I look at my teenagers, I’m proud of the readers they have become. The joy they found in Elephant and Piggie has evolved into a broader appreciation for literature. Our library, once the ultimate reward, has become a well-loved resource, filled with books that continue to inspire and educate.

In celebrating my daughter’s 13th birthday, I also celebrate the small moments that have shaped our family’s journey. The Elephant and Piggie series will always hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of the precious times spent together, the milestones achieved, and the love for reading that we nurtured.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a way to engage young readers, I highly recommend the Elephant and Piggie series. These books are more than just stories; they’re gateways to a world of imagination and learning. For my family, they were the beginning of a beautiful adventure in reading, one that continues to enrich our lives even as my children grow and change.

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